Friday, April 29, 2011

Interlude: Some Beautiful Places, Take A Break, Clear Your Mind

the wonder of lightning
the isolation  above the clouds

the excitement from celebration

the beauty of man and nature

the visions of men can be reality

appreciation of nature

the love of exploring

to boldly go where few have gone before

our world is designed, created, and exists when it really shouldn't exist
Sometimes man needs to step back and reconnect with the world he lives in. The reality of our blue sphere hurtling through space in a solar system designed by a genius, on a planet that is equal parts good and bad, sea and land, beautiful and ugly, fair and unfair, lost and found, smiling faces and angry faces, pain and gain, humble and narcissist, peaceful and violent, optimism and pessimism, tolerance and intolerance, fear and bravery, physical and intellectual,  and emotional and apathetic.