Monday, January 3, 2011

Godless ?

mystical tales, ancient source, 

scriptures tell, a designing force,

miracles missed, unprovable prowess,
either believe or isolated, godless,

science defines, arrogant stance,
can't explain how we all got this chance,

evil and good, random and reckless,
our souls, confused, afraid of godless,

too much left to explain,
serious, scary, absurd game,

heaven, hell, eternity prophetic,
spiritual beliefs, or spiritless life pathetic,

afraid, unsure, usually speechless,
no proof, no faith, decidedly godless,

accepting science, is the key,
science, technology, can't create a flea,

evolution, process, hypothesis, creates us,
speculation, unproven, secular bias, godless,

scientific books scream ideas, so plain ?,
all science, can't recreate the game,

listen, watch, professors so pompous,
relative values, their spirit empty, godless