My word smithing hobby. Not sophisticated enough to be called poetry. These are train of thought brain flows on tough topics with a rhythm to each post, so let's just call them "words in rhythm" providing a tone, dreams, hopes, and sprinkled with some reality and existential angst. This blog is for the enjoyment of nature, mankind, arts, religions, and the absurd world. A new day.........a new list of incredible ideas
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
More to Explore
miraculous birth, absorbing life, often scary or a bore, more to explore
highest mountain, thickest jungle, deepest ocean floor, more to explore
science scholar, religious devotion, every day a new door, more to explore
trained athletically, controlled emotions, not keeping score, more to explore
mentally stable, socially comfortable, worried anxious core, more to explore
family centered, workaholic, we're born and bred for, more to explore
mutual trust , compact for life, sometimes a chore, more to explore
procreate, perpetuate the species, mythical historic lore, more to explore
aging constant, failed vision, losing hearing, memory poor, more to explore
near end of living, fond memories prolific, testing self assure, more to explore
time of death, ashes or burial, mystery what's in store, more to explore