Monday, January 3, 2011

Page of Life Trilogy

top of the page............................child years in age,
sunrise elation..............................childish anticipation,
overwhelmed senses....................many high fences,
frivolous, laughter, play...............enjoy, romp, everyday,
hope, optimism, faith ignore.......liberty, godless, risk assure,
foresight, others impress.............immature, easily depress,
visual clarity, slow clock.............mind aspires, calm, no shock,
toys free, life's prophesy..............raw emotions, juvenile fantasy,
dreams predict, comfort norm.....greedy, selfish, narcissists form,
intense love, intense hate............eager, lively, unknown fate,
reckless, careless, hyper..............energized, youthful, offender,
argue, ego, listening....................extrovert, society, fearful whistling,
self abuse, no soul, few skills.....restless, anxiety, apathy kills,

mid of the years in age,
proud, high noon delusion......................inflated ego, expect inclusion,
work, responsibility, compete.................coworkers, opportunity, repeat,
beast of burden, priority life...................dedication, middle age strife,
temperance, hesitation, life's schools......adapt, tears, ill defined rules,
chosen faith, comfort, reality..................skills, accomplish, practicality,
career driven, mature, materialist...........blinders, bias view, pessimist,
clock faster, earned possessions.............status, skill, few exceptions,
emotions hinder, serious reality..............intellectual, dreams just fantasy,
results, pride, satisfaction.......................rewards, stature, recognition,
energy, stamina, proactive......................mindfulness, self-praise, productive,
introvert, friendless, clean......................sober, sedentary, retiring mean,

end of the page......................................elder years in age,
resisting reality, sunset despair...............mind, body, need repair,
desperate fight or direction, no choice right,
slipping away, choice, caregiver's kindness,
lost faith, only hindsight.........................existence absurd, long endless night,
death near, physically weak....................fastest clock, unstoppable, bleak,
memories, possessions, vacant stare......mindless, emotionless, ready to share,
emotions, dreams to fear........................resigned, exhausted, nothingness near,
indecisive, no stamina, frail...................mentally lost, no rescue, hospital jail,
paranoid, isolated, hate myself..............separated, barely exist, failing health,
medication blood, man's dread...............sadness, tears, at last gratefully dead