Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Life of Energy

sciences complement each other, sciences work together, a complex single reality
vegetation, animals, insects, fish, reptiles, man, food provided for all consistently
shared planet, species thriving, food chain must be designed, puzzle fits repeatedly

only one planet with life, abundant, varied, simple, complex life, thrive independently
rock forms, seas, mountains, forests, jungles, deserts, tropical, amazed humanity
no randomness, all designed, focused on survival, successful, interesting, abundantly

pieces interlock, changing reality, fear humanity, expect catastrophe, eventually
too complex, too many variations, too many interactions, too many dependently
chance of coin two choices, nature 50,000,000,000 choices, all with redundancy

unexplained Cambrian explosion, Darwin's random mutation theory, unconvincingly
no single evolution path, no missing links, it's missing understanding intellectually
rules of physics, chemistry, quantum, biology, geology, astronomy, simultaneously

create universe makes little sense, create humanity even less, missing epiphany
energy not created, transformed, solid, gas, liquid, life, all forms of  magical energy
sunsets, sunrises, tornado, hurricane, tsunami,  volcano's, earthquakes, impressively