a spinning orbiting sphere around a sun, and this is just the start of the fun
a molten core with volcanoes and continent shifting, there's still pieces missing
oceans, miles deep, cycling tides, myths legends, truth and meaning hides
thick glaciers, razor sharp ice brutally cold, timelessly persists from finite old
atmosphere, breathable gas, rain clouds replenish, species thrive, no end or finish
birds, bugs, fish, reptiles, mammals, micro-organisms, bacteria, species and animals
life grows from mixtures of cells, miraculous, amazingly, randomly frivolous
vegetation sprouts, without cultivation, shocks mankind's imagination
sea life flourishes, provides recreation, feeding species, and stirs our fascination
turf bound life, all climates, all regions, promotes diversity, in all seasons
symbiosis, food chains, fittest survive, each day competitive, struggle to stay alive
man's intellectual, a thinker, a dreamer, a "loose canon", a manipulator, a schemer
electric, magnetic, atomic material, living tissues, combustion vehicles, many issues
man built, improved, adapted nature, also damaged, wasted resources, scary future
billions of humans, as many lifestyles, man dominant species, cities for miles
blue or white collar, criminal life, deception, brutality, hatred, racism, and strife
primal ooze, monkeys, Neanderthal, modern man, educated, new ideas for all
evolution creation how, why unknown, speculative arguments, opinions well known
sciences, complexity, complex earth, man thinks, discerns, wants to prove his worth
tunnel vision, denial of miraculous, believes is master master of his own house
trusting professors, see no designers plan, denying the obvious, the miracle is man
we're the miracle, we're the absurd, can't create this world, a process still unheard
scientific arrogance, observe take notes, spent lives omnipotent, ignorance floats
something amazing created our lives, miraculous beings gives scientists hives
refuse to accept, miracle of our earth, refusing the absurdity of man's birth
all sciences, all materials, tuned to support life, simple truth cuts logic like a knife
world without man, cleaner quieter place, luckily allowed, thrive, the human race
ignore, dismiss the spiritual works, doesn't erase life's absurdity, quirks
proof of some plan, atoms with DNA, man looks forward optimistically, everyday
ridiculed faith, consider notion, if science had answers tell how/why of creation