Thursday, January 27, 2011

Flooded Neighbor Drowning

flood of desperation, but for the grace of God, all kinds and characters, constantly
illegal work actions, off books or stolen SS, self-imposed shadow society, fearfully
food, shelter, raise family, public schools a blessing, need to become legal, hopefully

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Life of Energy

sciences complement each other, sciences work together, a complex single reality
vegetation, animals, insects, fish, reptiles, man, food provided for all consistently
shared planet, species thriving, food chain must be designed, puzzle fits repeatedly

Frankenstein Unbound

years of discomfort, years of pain, seeking the answer, no one can tell
fatigue, abdominal pain, nausea, need relief, need diagnosis, living in hell
Mayo Clinic epiphany, chronic Hep C, with liver disease, my heart fell

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Devil Is Real

pain, torture, incest, pedophile, rape, murder, genocide, how humans deal
South African necklace, witch trials, burning, drowning, heretics must squeal
false prophets, death, Jones Town, Waco, holocaust, child's skin burn and peel

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide

nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, it's a war out there, I don't pick sides
run for cover, fear, it's a combat zone, unwanted roller coaster rides
Arizona, Michigan, Washington, disease spreads, it cycles with the tide
hide in my room, hide under the bed, seclusive life to those I  confide

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Tears of Rage

forming, 30 days tiny frame, no bag of cells, human life at best
early aborts are no excuse, destroy tiny form, brutalize the nest
late aborts, man's horror, pain, baby fully functional, calmly at rest
nature protects life, man kills innocence, shallow whims, doers with heartless chest

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Do Real Monsters Exist ?

in the darkness of unchartered waters and lands, monsters live
skeptics claim fraud, but some of these monsters, are ready to give

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

It's Not My Fault, I Am Not Responsible

Note: Using the Progressive's Violence Responsibility Logic, this post represents all the excuses being applied to our current tragedy. These words represent the sarcastic mantra of every serial killer refusing to accept personal responsibility, and culpability of every artistic project that reinforces ultra-violence as a lifestyle choice. Everyone is responsible for our societies cavalier attitude toward horrific ultra-violence, and especially if they make a career and/or profit from ultra-violence products.

Rough Seas

alone, no answers, dangerous, vulnerable situation,
searching way, expected risk, substantial effort, or manipulation,
affirming life, challenging myself, pragmatic solution,
waiting for sign, nervous smiling, lousy luck, ambition,

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Petition The Gods With Prayer

isolated, vulnerable, lost, empty, forever searching, follow any lead
hurtling through space, no creators face, weak, hollow, a soul in need
aimlessly wandering for years, nothing from peers, a hunger I must feed
optimistic, walking the walk, petition Bhagwan with prayer, a desperate deed
you cannot petition Bhagwan with prayer ! regardless of desperate need

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Does Media Truth Exist ?

newspaper journalists, respected, ages ago, with truth a firm line
major network journalists, respected, in the past, when proven credibility fine
newer cable journalists, respected, long ago,  before partisan bias entwined
current radio journalists, respected, for years, fact check done, stories, every kind
thousands online journalists, never respected, today, echo chamber refined
Does Media Truth Exist ? It's never been properly defined

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Doc Is Real, Not Fade Away

minimal impacts, organized population, followed guidelines,
built state governments, built federal government, proper care where confined
provide liberty and freedom, responsibility, both yours and mine
created industries, invent technology, provide jobs, capitalist success in record time
reared and raised our families, good life had by all, education, our future defined
This Doc Is Real, Not Fade Away ! We all want it refined

Monday, January 3, 2011

Sisyphus' Whine

absurdly surviving, repeating chore, forcing boulder up side of that hill,
each trip up, straining, forcing, bleeding shoulders and back, amazing skill,
pushing, adjusting stance, fighting that boulder, my mind vacant and still,
arrive at the top, a few seconds of rest, then watch the boulder roll where it will,

walking back down, mind racing, rage, fear, cog in the wheel of  infinity still,
destined forever, up and down fate, no destiny, nausea and a terrible chill,
little time, think and wonder, soon at bottom, nothing to hope, my heart can't fulfill,
bottom achieved, mind empty, free, straining, pushing boulder up side of that hill,

Page of Life Trilogy

top of the page............................child years in age,
sunrise elation..............................childish anticipation,
overwhelmed senses....................many high fences,
frivolous, laughter, play...............enjoy, romp, everyday,
hope, optimism, faith ignore.......liberty, godless, risk assure,
foresight, others impress.............immature, easily depress,
visual clarity, slow clock.............mind aspires, calm, no shock,
toys free, life's prophesy..............raw emotions, juvenile fantasy,
dreams predict, comfort norm.....greedy, selfish, narcissists form,
intense love, intense hate............eager, lively, unknown fate,
reckless, careless, hyper..............energized, youthful, offender,
argue, ego, listening....................extrovert, society, fearful whistling,
self abuse, no soul, few skills.....restless, anxiety, apathy kills,

Godless ?

mystical tales, ancient source, 

scriptures tell, a designing force,

miracles missed, unprovable prowess,
either believe or isolated, godless,

Why ?

neutron, proton, electrons, and quarks,
atomic frame, space, detectable sparks,

mammals, fish, birds, reptiles, man,
how, what, where, why, no visible plan,

Flesh and Bone

born naked, crying, uniquely unknown,  

all losers, sinners, need to atone 

growing, learning, new skills our own 

proudly building our family a home

teach offspring, facts, trust as known
exhausted, ill, "life fleeting" we moan

are we all alone?.....only flesh and bone?

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Final Sun

Universal changes, unstoppable, sure
galactic expansion, scaring us more
guaranteed extinction, reality abhorred
black holes, dark matter, the invisible core
all we see, decays, collapses, for sure 

final sun setting, its permanent, its pure

False Faith

primitive worship earth, moon, and sun,
morality tales with forbidden ideas present god external,
directional guide of comforting thoughts most paternal,
living, thinking, feeling, hoping, and praying life eternal,

Cirque De Lune

naive, gullible, blinded with glare, eyes of wonder,
colors, loud music, crack of lightning, thunder,
amazing performers, exotic creatures, a spell we're under,
acrobats, flying families, fearful clowns, satisfaction without refund,